


Omar Khairy

Fullstack JavaScript/TypeScript

Hi there! I'm Omar Khairy, a Software Engineer with a passion for creating reliable tech products. I have a technical background in Electrical and Computer Engineering, and I have been developing full-stack applications with JavaScript (TypeScript) for 4 years.

I built products with different technologies in the Frontend (React, Next.js, Gatsby.js), In the backend mainly Node.js(Express, Koa, Nest.Js, Strapi).

I deployed many apps in different infrastructures like AWS, Google Cloud (GCP), Azure, Heroku, Firebase, Cloudflare, Vercel, and Netlify.

Occasionally I write technical articles on my blog. Also, at strapi blog my recent article is How to Deploy Strapi Docker Container On AWS Elastic Beanstalk.

I am a big fan of open-source and I contribute cloudflare ecosystem in projects like miniflare, superflare, cloudfare-docs, also maintaining an npm package called cron-toolkit-ts it is type safe Type safe human readable cron expressions.

I built as side project/side hustle for a few months, it is site builder for anyone who wants to build a fast static website without any coding knowledge. It is built with Next.js, Strapi, and AWS. But I am not working on it anymore.